Tarisa zuva rekugadzirwa kwemafuta nezvinonhuwira
Brand haina kusarudzwa

CheckFresh.com inoverenga zuva rekugadzirwa kubva kune batch kodhi.
Sarudza mhando kuti uone mirairo kuti ungawana sei batch code.


ℹ️ Zviri papeji rino zvinongowanikwa muChirungu.

Add your brand

If you want to add your brand to CheckFresh.com, please contact support@checkfresh.com.

New features and bugs

If you want to add a new brand of cosmetics to CheckFresh.com, please send information about the the batch code structure in which data is stored.

If you want to report a bug in the software, or have an idea for improving the software, please contact support@checkfresh.com.

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